AMP Experience Mapping

Want to truly understand your customer's experience, both online and offline? Use our AMP Experience Mapping service to navigate your customer's ‘as is’ experience.

Let's chat

Why is understanding your customer experience critical?

Why is understanding your customer experience critical?

You need to know what, how, and where your messaging will make the most impact, making sure your budget is working as hard as it can by better understanding what your audience needs.

The approach

AMP Experience Mapping assesses a wide range of sources, including media, analytics, channel engagement, external expert dynamics (KOLs/DOLs), social listening, and web analytics. We collate those insights to identify the ‘moments that matter’ that lead to change.

You'll gain a better understanding of your target customer, identify regional and local differences, and receive message, channel, and media recommendations to inform your omnichannel plans.

AMP Experience Mapping helps you better understand your target customerAMP Experience Mapping helps you better understand your target customerAMP Experience Mapping helps you better understand your target customer

The AMP27 Difference

We map your customer's experience on three levels: rational, emotional, and behavioural. We define the customer pathway, their journey stages, decisions, goals, and pain points. We uncover the why behind clinical beliefs and behaviours along that pathway. This approach has four main elements:

  1. Mapping the human experience
  2. Mapping the digital experience
  3. Clinical scenario testing
  4. Bringing the experience to life

Let's get started

Ready to explore AMP Experience Mapping further?
Schedule in a 27-minute chat with Sam, our Chief Progressive Officer!