The importance of backlinks in medical and healthcare SEO to boost your authority

Backlinks serve as crucial pillars supporting a website's visibility in search engines. But how do they work, and how can you build them?
3 mins | 03/06/2024

What are backlinks? Backlinks are essentially links from a third-party website back to yours. They serve as crucial pillars in supporting a website's visibility in search engines. When reputable sites link to your pages, search engines interpret this as a vote of confidence, boosting your site's authority and enhancing E.E.A.T. signals. This is particularly critical when your website falls within the Your Money or Your Life (YMYL) category.

Building authority and trust

Search engines like Google prioritise healthcare and medical content with high authority when presenting search results. Websites with a robust backlink profile and high authority are perceived as more trustworthy and informative, leading to improved search engine rankings.

The more quality backlinks your site has, the easier it becomes for search engines to discover and index your content. This increased visibility can result in higher rankings, ultimately driving more organic traffic to your website.

In the example below, Annie Davidson Watson has snuck a backlink into her ‘about the author’ profile at the bottom of an article she’s written for Forbes. A backlink from this high-authority media publisher’s site will boost the ranking of her site in search engines. Nice one Annie!

Forbes website screenshot showing a linkForbes website screenshot showing a link

Quality over quantity

While racking up a good number of backlinks is essential, the quality of those links matters even more. A few high-quality backlinks from authoritative and relevant sources can have a more significant impact than a multitude of low-quality links.

How to measure authority

Authority can be measured in multiple ways. We prefer using a search engine optimisation (SEO) tool called Ahrefs; it measures authority using domain rating (DA) and URL rating (UR), both out of 100, with 100 being the most authoritative.

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Pro tip: Use the Ahrefs SEO toolbar to check the power of your backlinks and authority score, plus some other useful metrics. Download the browser extension and then navigate to your site, click the Ahrefs toolbar, choose ‘Metrics’, and analyse the ‘domain rating’.

NOTE: It's important to recognise that different SEO tools use varying methodologies to determine a website's authority score. These scores are not used by Google as direct ranking factors and do not influence search engine results directly; however, a strong backlink profile is important and does influence rankings. Therefore, these scores should be considered as indicative guides rather than definitive metrics.

Example Ahrefs SEO toolbar:

Example Ahrefs SEO toolbarExample Ahrefs SEO toolbar

Good vs bad authority

Assessing authority isn't always straightforward. For healthcare and medical content, a score below 50/100 suggests room for improvement through link-building. If your site scores above 50/100, congratulations! That indicates that your site is naturally attracting backlinks, making additional efforts less critical (but still worthwhile!).

When it comes to brand sites, targeting your brand as a keyword can be less competitive. Consequently, a lower authority score may suffice to effectively rank and drive traffic for this word. The decision to focus on building backlinks should ultimately hinge on the competitiveness of your topic or keyword.

To get started, head over to Ahrefs, enter your keyword, and take note of the difficulty score.

Keyword analysis on ahrefsKeyword analysis on ahrefs

NOTE: The Ahrefs Keyword Difficulty (KD) score is intended as a general guide to assess a keyword's potential competitiveness. Numerous factors can influence keyword difficulty; therefore, it is recommended to use the KD score as an indicative guide rather than a definitive metric.


Backlinks are the backbone of a robust SEO strategy. By developing a relevant and high-quality backlink profile, you not only enhance your website’s authority and trustworthiness, but can also increase referral traffic.

At AMP27, we are experts in healthcare and medical SEO. If you're eager to explore how AMP27 can help you build your outreach plan and increase your sites visibility in search engines, let's start the conversation. Contact us here.

Jon Rayner

About the author: Jon Rayner

Jon Rayner is one of the founders of AMP27 and the Campaign Director. He has 14 years’ experience in medical communications, and is an expert in the digital space. Jon is one of our SEO specialists at AMP27. Find out more about Jon’s background in digital marketing on our meet the team page.